Sarah is a Licensed Paralegal at Bennett Gastle. She plays a valuable role in supporting lawyers, other paralegals and law clerks with their various cases.

Sarah manages a caseload for the Canadian division of a large, multi-national business client. Her case management includes preparing demand letters, pleadings and negotiating with opposing parties. Sarah has extensive knowledge in handling cases through the entire litigation process, and she prides herself on helping clients through this process with leadership and empathy.

Sarah holds a Master of Journalism from Ryerson University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing from York University. She has also graduated from the Paralegal certificate program at George Brown College and obtained her P1 license in 2022. Sarah previously worked as a television producer covering business news, Canadian politics and current affairs.

In her personal time, Sarah enjoys reading and being outdoors. She spends many summer weekends at her cottage in Parry Sound, Ontario. Sarah is also an animal advocate and, like Bob Barker, encourages you to spay and neuter your pets.

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